I made this little quilt for one of my best friends at the time, my Sandy. She was pregnant and I'm not sure if I knew the sex of the baby or not but it was gonna be blue and yellow and duckies. To me it doesn't matter if is a girl or boy when yellow duckies are involved it must be a blue quilt. So...she had a girl. A blue quilt for a little girl. I sent it off to Texas and I haven't seen her in years and years. She has 3 gorgeous children now and I miss her dearly. Anywho, I fell in love with the quilt and made 2 of them. I had to make one for my future baby. I wasn't even pregnant or planning to be but I couldn't give it away unless I had one too. Flash forward 3 years and I had the perfect baby quilt for Chase. It was my first paper pieced quilt(s). It has perfect points everywhere and I love the fabrics. I bought them at Kudzu Quilt shop in Montgomery AL. It was the closest quilt shop to us when we were stationed at Fort Benning GA.
What do you think? And no, I never used it with my kid. I forgot all about it when I had him. All our belongings were in boxes. We were in the process of moving from Fort Benning to Cumming while building a house and living in a crappy little apt. Maybe he can use it for his kids.
Love it!