Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I've been Nominated...

For a major award.  Every time I see/say/hear that phrase I think of the dad on A Christmas Story with his leg lamp!  Makes me chuckle!  But...I have been nominated for a Liebster Award.  That is sooooo cool.  Thank you Hettie!  

I was super excited to see my one and only follower nominated me....then not having time to blog about it just about drove me nuts.  Which sort-of makes me nuts cause I'm typing to myself. Wait!  Not anymore!!!

Now about this award....this is given to a blogger with less than 200 followers (HA!  I've got 1!  Thanks again Nettie from stitchingmatters ) by a fellow blogger who follows or reads their blog.  This hopes to give those bloggers just a little more attention.  As the recipient of this award you have to thank and link back to the blogger who gave it to you. 

The rules after accepting this award are:
  • Thank the person that nominated your blog and link back to them
  • Nominate up to five other blogs for the award
  • Let them know via a comment on their blog
  • Post the award on your blog
I have decided to nominate the following bloggers.
Stacey at onthedesignwall
Kristie at quiltingcowgirl
Michele at nostalgiccafe

I hope you all accept this award and continue to create beautiful things, inspire others, and share the love!  Keep it going Girls!!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you accepted and I for one can't wait to see, hear and read more about you and your quilts.
